Aleksandra Jarco, Stanisław Rzadkosz, Jacek Krokosz, Rafał Pabiś, Andrzej Gil, Edward Czekaj, Stanisław Młodnicki, Ryszard Ćwiklak

Technical and design study of the use of rapid prototyping technique to make an art casting of Medal commemorating the 65th Anniversary of the establishment of Foundry Research Institute in Cracow


Steps have been taken to make an art casting - a medal commemorating the 65th Anniversary of the establishment of the Foundry Research Institute in Cracow, using a rapid prototyping technique. The most important technological operations from a 2D drawing to the finished product were described. It has been shown that the argument put in the study can be brought into effect using the most modern solutions of foundry technology.

Keywords: rapid prototyping, 2D drawing, art casting, computer-aided design, investment casting process, B555 bronze,
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