Janusz Faber, Maria Żmudzińska, Katarzyna PerszewskaTREATMENT OF SELECTED FOUNDRY WASTE USING BIODEGRADABLE METHOD (PRELIMINARY RESEARCH)AbstractThis paper presents the applicability of Bio Activ PH biopreparation in the treatment of toxic substances (phenol, formaldehyde) in selected types of waste mouldings and core laboratory scale. This method has not been used for this type of waste so far. The possibilities of biodegradation of pollutants in the waste mass made of phenolic-coated sand were explored. The application of the ready biopreparation for the removal of phenol compounds from the waste masses effluents gave positive results; however, its direct addition to the waste did not bring the expected results. Keywords: biodegradation, biopreparation, waste, cleaning, moulding, environmental protection, Download 328.5 KB >> |