Józef Dańko

Research problematics of casting technology machines and equipment


The article discusses the research problematics of machines and equipment for casting technologies, with the consideration of the scope of research performed in Poland in the second half of the twentieth century at main domestic university facilities as well as at the Foundry Research Institute in Kraków. General characteristics of the research were performed, with the determination of the effects stimulating the, then, intensive development of the Polish foundry, whose equipment was constituted by domestically produced casting machines and technological apparatus. An analysis was conducted of selected aspects of the condition of the Polish foundry, with the indication of the factors limiting the development and productivity of small and medium casting enterprises, which dominate in the domestic foundry industry. Against the background synthesis of earlier domestic research and the advancement of investigations and technological implementations into the industry in leading Western countries, the need for developing the production of new generation machines and equipment was pointed out, with the purpose to autonomize the domestic enterprises in respect of access to the knowledge aimed at improving efficiency and quality of the casting production. Exemplary investigations were presented, in the scope of a scientific aid in modernizing the foundry machine equipment, conducted at the Faculty of Foundry Engineering of AGH University of Science and Technology in Kraków.

Keywords: casting, machines and technological equipment, research, construction modernization,
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