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Your search for metal-matrix composites resulted in 3 matches...

Thermal conductivity of carbon-reinforced metal-matrix composites

The paper presents a critical analysis of the current state-of-the-art thermo-physical properties of metal composite materials, in which different types of carbon reinforcing phase have been used: graphite, diamond, carbon fibres, carbon nanotubes...

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Investigation of the interaction between the CuZn38Pb2 matrix and the Fe reinforcement phase during the production of the complex relief MMCs

The present paper is relevant to the investigation of the interaction between the copper alloy metal matrix (CuZn38Pb2) and the reinforcement phase (Fe) during the production of "hybrid" complex relief MMCs. An innovative production method is used...

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Industrial mineralogy of the Polish fly ashes and their unique utilization

This study was undertaken to recognize sintering-, softening-, melting-, flow temperature, mineralogy, chemistry and prospects for utilization of the Polish fly ashes (FA, FAs). The study is metallurgy-foundry oriented, i.e. it regards the ashes a...

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